Audio Systems
Bodet, the leader in Bell and PA Systems
Bodet offers a huge range of Audio Systems designed to broadcast bells, music, alerts and announcements in schools, colleges, factories, logistics hubs, Nursing home and more. Our range features both speakers and microphones.

Our range of Audio Systems
Bodet offers Audio Systems featuring a series of devices:
- Interior and exterior audio speakers to broadcast bells, alerts and messages.
- Interior and exterior strobes synchronised with audio speakers.
- A choice of both wired and remote triggering systems for easier management of alarms and bells.
- Microphones to record and send messages.

The advantages of our Bell System
- An all-in-one solution: manage your bell times, broadcast alerts, stream music and make live announcements.
- Compatible with our clocks: our Bell Systems are synchronised with our clocks.
- A modular system: add hardware and functionality at low cost.
- Design: minimalist, aesthetically-pleasing solutions to fit seamlessly into all buildings.

Class Change Solution and Lockdown Alert System designed specifically for schools and colleges.
Bodet supplies more than 5,000 schools and colleges with Bell Systems so that pupils and teachers know when classes start and end. Our Bell Systems are also able to broadcast a separate Lockdown Alert across your entire school premises instantly so everyone knows how to react in an emergency situation.

Industrial Bell System
Our Bell Systems can be programmed to ensure that working days go smoothly in factories and production sites, and staff know when to clock in, take a break, and clock out.

We have chosen Harmonys, Bodet’s Synchronised Bell, Class Change & PA System for its usability, simplicity of installation, multiple functions and the quality of training.
José Passos, Technical Manager of French School Charles Lepierre in Lisbon
Through broadcasting melodies, Harmonys Speakers increase efficiency and allow the whole school to run more smoothly. Our set-up includes the ability to use custom melodies and live broadcasts from a microphone during special events. We also perform some earthquake alert exercises via Bodet's Lockdown System.
Thibaud Millier, Headmaster of the French School of Belgrade in Serbia

IP or wireless technology
Our Bell Systems, visual alerts and microphones use two different technologies:
- Wireless DHF system (MELODYS range): the Audio System communicates using radio frequencies.
- IP system (HARMONYS range): speakers and microphones communicate via the IT network.